Jérome needed a hardware for 2 sliding bypass doors in order to close his storeroom/laundry room.

He ordered our SLID’UP 130 for 2 bypass doors (SU5116) to install his doors.

Our SLID’UP 130 includes 4 single tracks, 2 for the floor and 2 for the ceiling. The kit also includes all the hardware for 2 or 3 sliding bypass doors (rollers and stoppers).

The SLID’UP 130 is compatible with doors up to 155 lbs and with a 5/8″ minimum thickness. Because you can choose the gap between the tracks, there is no requirements for a maximum thickness.

Our tracks vary between 47″ and 106″ for this range. Tracks can be aligned together in case you need more than 106″ tracks.

Discover the result with Jérome’s video, it looks really amazing!

Thank you so much Jérome for sharing this video and picture with us!

Do not hesitate to share your pictures as well if you want us to publish your realization on our blog.